Hi, I'm Devanil and I like to see myself as a software developer who combines technical skills with a product-focused mindset. I am deeply committed to maintaining well-structured code, with a particular passion for OOP and architecture. I actively develop my communication skills to effectively bridge business objectives with user value.
I specialize in
Ruby on Rails for backend solutions and ⚡ Hotwire
for frontend development, but I am continually expanding my knowledge in various other technologies as well.

Software Engineer
at Jus.com.br
since 2023 february
One of the largest law-related websites in Brazil.
- Built, maintained and scaled a Ruby on Rails monolith
- Extensive test coverage with MiniTest
- Railway Oriented Programming and DDD principles
- Work with PostgreSQL, MySQL, Redis, Sidekiq, Memcached and ElasticSearch
- Basic understanding of Kubernetes and Docker

Software Engineer
at Agenda Edu
Sep 2022 - Jan 2024
A startup that aims to improve communication between schools and parents.
- Ruby on Rails as API
- Used Rspec for testing

Software Engineer
at Agência Mares
Aug 2021 - Sep 2022
A consultancy company.
- Developed projects with React, Next.js and Vue
- Implemented backend APIs
- Deployed applications using Docker and Azure

Software Engineer
at Rondonia Government
Apr 2019 - Jul 2021
Government of the state of Rondônia, Brazil.
- Developed projects with Wordpress and Ruby on Rails

Computer Science
at Wyden
2024 - 2028

Communication (Journalism)
at Uniron
2015 - 2019
Contact me on LinkedIn